



The transition from nursing school to working in a real clinical environment is one of the most important times in any nurse’s career. It’s where you truly spread your wings as a professional and take the next step in terms of autonomy and responsibility while caring for patients.

刚从学校毕业进入职场的护士肯定会面临一些挑战, 但他们也有机会在最适合自己的职业道路上站稳脚跟. 通过寻找一个坚实的支持网络,并在你的护理计划中积极准备, 新护士可以为自己从护理学生成功转变为称职的专业人员做好准备.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载回顾一些策略来帮助你为你的护理生涯做准备, 职场过渡的一些建议, 最重要的是, 给应届毕业生——如何找到你的第一份护理工作! 如果你刚刚开始你的护理生涯, 您可能还想了解bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的详细指南 如何为护士学校做准备.


当你还在学校的时候,你就开始顺利地过渡到你的护理生涯. Staying engaged in your nursing education helps you confidently perform essential tasks and make evidence-based decisions once you’re responsible for your own patients. 无论是讲座还是实验, 如果你在某一科目上遇到困难,不要犹豫向你的导师提问或寻求额外的辅导. 你为掌握这种材料所做的努力,有一天可能会挽救一个病人的生命.

Nursing programs that coordinate clinical rotations or externships for their students can also be a massive benefit for fledgling nurses. 跟随有经验的护士可以帮助你适应许多快节奏的医疗环境, and helps bridge the gap between taking the lead in real-life clinical situations and the controlled simulations you’ll complete as a nursing student.

最后, 一定要利用任何可用的资源来帮助你准备NCLEX执照考试. 在获得护理执照并开始护理生涯之前,必须通过NCLEX考试, so understanding the test format and taking a practice exam or two can help avoid any delays when it comes time to find your first nursing job. Some nursing 学校 offer review courses or even entire teams of NCLEX specialists to help you study and prepare for the exam.


在你完成护理课程并获得执照之后, 进入劳动力市场是下一步. 虽然找一份护士工作有时看起来很困难, 专注于这些领域可以大大增加你找到自己喜欢的工作的几率.


制作一份突出你的技能的简历, 经验, 成绩对任何求职者来说都很重要, 包括护士. Tailoring your resume to match each job on your radar is important since it provides an opportunity to showcase relevant skills.

例如, 如果你申请在外科或妇女健康诊所工作, 你要把重点放在你和这些病人打交道的经验上. 附上相关的求职信也可以帮助你展示你的热情, 你对招聘机构的了解程度, 以及你对工作描述的理解.


一些护理学校为毕业生提供职业服务,可以帮助你润色简历, 练习面试技巧, 甚至给你提供工作线索. 在某些情况下, 在你参加NCLEX考试之前找到一份护理工作是有可能的, 以顺利通过考试为条件.


在护士职位的面试中, 你可能会被问到一些宏观的问题,比如你如何应对压力,为什么你决定成为一名护士. 你也可能会被问及具体的临床情况以及你会如何处理它们. 招聘经理希望看到你的临床推理和解决问题的能力.

尽你所能给出深思熟虑的、真实的、彻底的回答,但不要太啰嗦. 你也应该问问你的潜在雇主关于你的工作职责的问题, 培训和入职政策, 以及任何指导或学徒的机会.



护理工作在许多不同的工作环境中都有, 从繁忙的医院到专业诊所, 学校, 以及长期护理机构. 繁忙的医院和急诊科的节奏往往更紧张, 但它们也可以带来其他好处, 喜欢学习各种专业的机会. 除了你的日常工作和潜在的晋升机会, 一定要考虑生活质量因素,比如通勤距离和时间安排.

想了解更多关于注册护士的各种各样的职业机会? 看看bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的名单 16个收入最高的护理工作.


对很多护士来说, 从护理学校到临床工作场所的过渡同样令人兴奋和压倒性的. The 经验 of a new nurse in their first job has often been described as drinking from a fire hose due to the massive amount of information they’re expected to retain. 对许多护士来说,开始你的第一份护理工作可能会在情感上具有挑战性. 有时感到焦虑、不安或不知所措是完全正常的. 相信你的训练, 专注于基于证据的决策, 必要时寻求同事和上司的支持.

Many healthcare employers understand the importance of providing proper support to new nurses as they transition to clinical practice. Preceptorship or mentorship programs that pair new nurses with 经验d colleagues can be priceless for recent nursing graduates. 导师可以提供个人关注, 反馈, 和监督, 在经常参加临床轮转的较大的学生群体中,这并不总是可能的.


当新获得执照的护士找到他们的第一份工作,准备开始他们的职业生涯, 这些建议可以帮助你建立自信, 与同事沟通, 并建立坚实的支持网络.


Getting to know your fellow healthcare providers across different departments helps you become part of the workplace culture and creates opportunities to learn from colleagues in different specialties.


在病人护理环境中,人们的福祉受到威胁, 百分百清楚自己的责任和雇主的政策是很重要的. 如果有不清楚的地方, 永远不要不好意思说出来——提出问题表明你关心把事情做好, 任何优秀的经理或导师都会乐于接受.


Confidence in your abilities is important—but so is an attitude of humility and a willingness to learn from 经验d colleagues. 护士学无止境, 接受指导可以帮助你建立良好的工作关系,并培养有助于职业发展的新技能.


在正式的学徒计划之外, finding an 经验d mentor to share valuable 经验 and advice can help you grow into your newfound responsibilities. It’s helpful to talk to somebody who can relate to the challenges of the job–and also share inspiration from their many rewarding moments as a nurse!


Communication with your patients and fellow healthcare providers is a critical part of providing excellent care and building healthy workplace relationships. 无论是向同事传达病人的需求还是担忧, 或者恭敬地质疑一些可能会让你的病人处于危险中的事情, 你的人际交往能力几乎和你的临床技能一样重要.


从研究生学位课程到会议和培训课程, expanding your nursing skills and knowledge helps increase your confidence in caring for patients and can open up new career possibilities.



医疗技术和治疗方法在不断发展, 这意味着护理能力是一个持续的过程,包括不断的学习. Most states require nurses to complete a certain number of ongoing education hours every year or two to maintain their nursing license.

对护士的持续教育不仅确保他们的知识跟上最新的进展, 它还提供了机会,以扩大他们的技能,并获得新的护理领域的经验. 护士可以在他们的工具箱中增加更多不同领域的知识, 他们在考虑所有现有证据并做出合理的临床决定时就越有效.

除了结构化的培训和教育机会, 指导和同伴支持在帮助新护士在工作中取得成功方面都发挥着重要作用. Getting advice and 反馈 from your fellow nurses can sharpen your skills and help you develop as a healthcare provider and a professional.


大多数护士进入这个行业是因为她们热衷于帮助别人. 为了保持热情,确保他们能够为病人服务, 护士在工作时间和下班时间照顾好自己是至关重要的.

均衡饮食, 定期锻炼, and learning stress-management methods like meditation or breathing techniques are all valuable tools for handling the emotional toll of nursing. 尤其是夜班护士, staying consistent with your sleep routine helps improve the quality of your rest (and your overall physical and mental health.) Meeting with a therapist is also transformative for many people—be sure to take advantage of any benefits or employee assistance plans that offer access to mental health care.

为了在新工作中证明自己,承担很多责任是很诱人的, 过度操劳会影响你的病人得到的治疗质量. 当班时,毫不犹豫地向同事寻求帮助, 或者你的朋友和家人在工作之外寻求支持. 如果你需要一些时间来充电,你也可以拒绝加班或加班.


你从护理学生到正式注册护士的转变是人生的一个重大转变. 给予过渡期应有的关心和准备可以为你的成功和满意的职业生涯奠定基础, 并帮助你实现你的长期目标. 同时, healthcare organizations that prioritize training and preceptorship programs for their new hires can make a major impact on the quality of their patient care and their overall workplace culture.

Nursing 学校 that focus on guiding their students through the transition from college to career can be a huge help when you’re first starting out. 除了经过认证的护理教育 在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全获得护理学学士学位 provides all graduates with ongoing access to a career services team that can help you navigate your job search and access employment opportunities. 通过速成课程,你可以在三年内获得学位, 你可以比你想象的更快地照顾病人.

如果你正在考虑从事护理工作,并想了解更多关于如何实现这一目标的知识, 你会在bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的指南中找到有用的答案 如何成为注册护士.